It is March! You took January to build in a habit of hydration and February to ensure dark, leafy greens were part of your day. Now, we challenge you to spend a few minutes each day keeping a gratitude journal. That means thinking about and writing down things your feel grateful for. Start with just three to five items each day… or don’t put any limits on yourself and see where your intuition guides you. According to Robert Emmons a the University of California, Davis, the leading researcher on gratitude and positive psychology, those who practice expressing gratitude “reap emotional, physical and interpersonal benefits.”

We’re in! Emmons goes on to say that “gratitude research is beginning to suggest that feelings of thankfulness have tremendous positive value in helping people cope with daily problems, especially stress.” And we all know that stress is linked to such diseases as cancer, heart disease and more. Not to mention sleep deprivation, headaches, high blood pressure and weight gain.

Studies have shown that grateful people not only feel better, but also take better care of themselves by exercising more and eating better. The simple act of keeping a gratitude journal has been shown to increase optimism, which is correlated with better immunity and less illness. It has also been shown to improve sleep and decrease insomnia because it leaves you with a less stressed mind.

Additional research suggests that to maximize the benefits of keeping a daily gratitude list, you need to first concisely define the benefits to you: to become a happier, less stressed, better rested, healthier person. Set your intention and then get out your pen. According to Emmons, “motivation to become happier plays a role in the efficacy of journaling.”

Then, pick a few things and really “feel” them. Write down what about each item on your list makes you happy or thankful. Be sure to think not just about what material things you are grateful for, but also the people, experiences, tastes, sounds and smells. Think about what you would really miss if it were taken away. Let your heart guide you, not your mind.

We like to journal at the same time every day (although it doesn’t matter what time you pick) so we can create a habit, like brushing our teeth. Otherwise it is easy to forget! Another tip is setting a reoccurring calendar reminder for yourself or putting a post-it note in a place you see every day, like your bathroom mirror or your computer screen.

Accountability is key, so find a gratitude partner or post some of your daily gratitude on social media and tag #embodywellness and @embodywellnesscompany for a chance to win a gift of gratitude! We suggest picking a friend or family member you trust and sending them your daily gratitude list. Have them do the same for you. Inspire each other!

An article in Psychology Today said, “Gratitude is something that can be learned, practiced and developed, yielding a sense of well-being, optimism and happiness. What’s more, when children see a thankful parent, they are more likely to become thankful children.” So get your kids involved and make this a morning or bedtime ritual for the whole family! We do our list in the morning with our kids, it takes a few minutes and helps ground us for our day.

Don’t fret about what you put on your list. There is no “right” or “wrong” in this exercise. Whatever item of gratitude comes to your mind is great! It might be profound and overarching, or something small. Christine’s daughter said today (while jumping on her bed), “I’m thankful for Mommy, my bunny, Isabella (her doll) and trees.” Nice! Be sure to list yours out as well and lead by example.

The beautiful thing is, this practice will extend into your whole day and into how you interact with people. It will be in your consciousness! We know gratitude is a way of being. Journaling can be one step to get you there.

Incredible benefits from just a few minutes a day. Why not give it a try? Commit to a daily gratitude journal with us for the month of March! See how you feel and share it with EWC!

Don’t forget to share something you are grateful for and tag #embodywellness and @embodywellnesscompany! One entry will win a gift of gratitude!

Some things we are grateful for:

Our supportive husbands and families
Our healthy, delightful and inspiring children
The EWC Community
Sharing our inspiration with you and learning from your wisdom
Long lasting friendships
Yoga, meditation and our spiritual practice
Stillness and slowing down
Good dark chocolate
First signs of spring (especially after this crazy, cold winter!)
Weekly CSA baskets
Farmers’ Markets and local, organic produce
Afternoons and dinners without cell phones nearby
Random acts of kindness
Supta Bhaddah Konasana
Good red wine
A home cooked meal
A freshly made bed
“Me time”
Dance parties
Dirty martinis with three olives
Google maps
Traveling to new places
Fresh snow and first tracks on ski mountains
Each other!