By: Lauren Levin, Embody Wellness Company Holistic Health Coach

I have always been a huge fan of Halloween – the costumes, the parties and especially the candy! However, most of the candy given out is loaded with artificial colors, GMOs, dyes and controversial preservatives. I want my kids to experience the joy of trick or treating, but thinking about all those harmful chemicals in that candy… now THAT’s scary to me!

But don’t panic! We’re not asking you to give up your chocolate or gummies just yet! To make sure this Halloween is safe for you and your little ones, we’ve broken down the most common toxic ingredients lurking in your favorite Twix, Snickers and Tootsie Rolls and shared our favorite nontoxic candy swaps below! We’ve been having fun taste testing all of them and I have to say – your taste buds and health will thank you! Here’s what you want to avoid:

*Artificial Colors – Specifically yellow 5, 6 & red 40 dyes are linked to cancer as well as hyperactivity and learning impairment in children.

*Partially Hydrogenated Oils – The main source of trans fat in our food that contributes to heart disease. The FDA is requiring companies to remove this ingredient within 2 years – however, till then its still lurking in your candy!

*Growth Hormones – Unless it’s certified organic, a lot of dairy in chocolate comes from cows raised with synthetic hormones and linked to an increased risk of cancer.

*TBHQ (in Butterfinger & Reece’s peanut butter cups) – This is a byproduct from petroleum that’s used to cheaply preserve food and linked to asthma, allergies, & dermatitis.

*BHT – This preservative is banned in other countries because it is linked to cancer.

*Genetically Modified Ingredients (GMOs) – Unless a candy is organic or labeled NonGMO Project verified, its most likely made with GMO ingredients and sprayed with Roundup (herbicide linked to cancer). Most non-organic candy has GMO sugar and possibly other GMO ingredients like soy lecithin, corn syrup, dextrose & soybean oil.

The good news is there are some great, healthier alternatives on the market! Here is a list of our favorite candy, which can be found at most health food stores such as Whole Foods or Amazon.

  • Alter Eco Truffles
  • Justin’s Mini Milk or Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
  • Unreal Snacks Candy:  Coconut Bars, Peanut Butter Cups, Milk Chocolate Gems
  • Yumearth Organic Candy: Candy Corns, Earth Giggles, Gummy Fruits, Lollipops
  • Veggie-Go’s Fruit Roll-Ups
  • OCHO Minis Organic Chocolate/Candy
  • Endangered Species Organic Chocolate “Bug Bites”
  • Surf Sweets Organic Gummy Bears, Sour Works, Jelly Beans

One of the hardest things is taking candy away from children. We get it! We make sure our kids load up on healthy snacks before going trick or treating. My son is always willing to try something if its festive and spooky. For example, banana ghosts, clementine pumpkins, and apple Dracula teeth.

We are all about balance in our household – one night of candy is OK. But let’s be real, one night turns into many when kids come home with a basket overflowing with chocolate and gummies. Our solution? Introduce the tradition of the Switch Witch. In exchange for a big bag of candy, the Switch Witch will leave an amazing toy for your kids to enjoy. Of course, saving a few of their favorite pieces of candy is OK – but the more they give the Switch Witch, the better their toy will be.

Wishing you and your family a happy and safe Halloween! We’d love to hear your thoughts on the above candy swaps! Comment below.