By Chelsey Fein, Health Coach

Quarantine fatigue is real, however, there are many things we can do to fight it. The most effective way to support ourselves during this time is to nourish our body with foods and a few tools that fuel our day and sustain our energy levels. Whole foods are key in providing ourselves with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that boost our energy on a cellular level. Seasonal (and organic!) fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds play a huge part in stabilizing blood sugar levels, helping to avoid physical and emotional highs and lows. Other ways to improve our energy is to spend time outdoors or phone up a friend -this can make a big difference in lifting our spirits. Try adding a few of these tips into your daily routine (before you reach for more caffeine or sugar) for a natural boost to beat that quarantine fatigue!

  1. Hydrate! It’s important to pack your diet with foods high in water content – cucumbers, watermelons and romaine lettuce being some of our best sources. Hydrating with fresh fruits and vegetables can make a huge impact as even minor dehydration can cause us to feel sluggish. Try adding lemon, citrus fruits, herbs and a sprinkle of sea salt to your water to help keep your tastebuds happy and increase natural electrolytes. Aim for at least half your body weight in ounces, more if you’re sweating!
  1. Greens! Spinach and other dark leafy greens such as kale, swiss chard, collards and beet greens are great ways to get in vitamin C, B vitamins, folate, calcium and iron. Adequate amounts of these vitamins and minerals are essential for energy production. Lower levels of iron in particular can cause major fatigue, so make sure to get this important mineral into your diet. Dark leafy greens are also rich in sulfur which help us produce glutathione, one of the body’s most potent antioxidants that is critical for detoxification and liver health. We can oftentimes feel fatigued, when our liver is sluggish. Try checking out your local farmers’ market to see what’s in season and freshly picked – and get adventurous when you find something new!
  1. Sprouted nuts and seeds!
    1. Sprouted pumpkin and sunflower seeds are a great source of high-quality protein, fiber, and healthy monounsaturated fats. They are packed with B vitamins which help your body convert food into energy and are rich in magnesium which combats muscle fatigue. Look for sprouted, organic nuts and seeds as they are easier to digest, higher in protein and their nutrients more bioavailable.
    2. Brazil nuts provide us with a nice amount of selenium and zinc. These minerals are both critical for thyroid function (metabolism and hormone balance!) and a major source of energy. Just a few of these a day can give you all the selenium you need.
    3. Chia seeds are also a great source of energy, as they are high in protein and one of the best sources of fiber. These guys soak up fluids, expanding as much as 10 times their size in the stomach, helping you feel full for longer periods of time. I love sprinkling chia seeds into my smoothie bowl or creating our chia pudding recipe at home. Give it a try! We enjoy organic chia seeds from Nature’s Intent.
  1. Power up with protein! Amino acids found in protein are the building blocks for our muscles and tissues. Protein also helps slow down the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream to help prevent crashing and to stabilize blood sugar levels. Since digestion of protein takes longer, it can also help you feel full for longer periods of time. Protein comes from many different sources such as organic grass-fed meats, soaked overnight beans (by Jovial or Eden Foods) and protein powders such as Truvani.
  1. Mushroom magic! These powerful little fungi play both sides of the field in providing both energizing and calming properties while supporting the immune system. Adaptogenic mushrooms such as Reishi and Cordyceps, have been used for centuries for their unique benefits of helping the body cope and adapt to times of stress. Other mushrooms such as Shitake are extremely rich in B vitamins which provide energy and support our nervous systems to function better. The list goes on with so many mushrooms to benefit from – let us help find the right mix for you! To start, try a FOUR SIGMATIC sample pack.
  1. Holy molasses! Blackstrap Molasses, the most concentrated form of this sugar byproduct, is packed with crucial minerals. Oftentimes, a major cause of fatigue may be the lack of a certain mineral in our body such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, not to mention iron. Try adding a tablespoon of this natural sweetener to your tea, oatmeal, baked goods or even dressings! (Please note this is a form of sugar for those with Diabetes).
  1. Movement and Connection! There’s nothing like getting outside for a run or bike ride to get those endorphins going; even a small amount of movement like a walk around the block can make a difference. Taking classes online is also a great way to relieve fatigue. EMBODY Wellness Live workouts,, Youtube and many others are fantastic and FREE resources! And let’s not forget the power of calling or FaceTiming a friend or family member – having a good laugh can really change the tone of your day.
  1. Never underestimate the power of a good sleep! There are many ways to improve a good night’s rest which is the best way to fight fatigue. Let’s start with how the blue wavelength light from our phones or computers stimulates sensors in our eyes, sending signals to our brain’s internal clock that it is daytime. This in turn affects our circadian rhythm and suppresses melatonin (the sleep hormone) production. Trying Blue Light blocking glasses or a screen protector is a great way to shield you from this light. I love the EYE JUST phone shield. Another great way to help improve sleep is by adding magnesium powder to water before bedtime or trying a melatonin sleep aid.

Fatigue can be extremely frustrating and impinge upon your daily physical and emotional well being. At EMBODY Wellness, we will work together on decreasing lethargy and boost your energy and mood. Results will also be seen in improving brain fog, enhancing quality of sleep and reducing muscle/joint pain you may be experiencing.


Chelsey Fein, our newest addition to the EMBODY Team, is a Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. After working closely with a functional medicine doctor, she has gained much knowledge and experience in helping those with conditions difficult to diagnose. Her goal is to help her clients reclaim their health and well-being. To book your session with Chelsey and fight fatigue together, in a way that fits your lifestyle and needs, email:

To shop the products suggested in this blog, check out our Amazon List! (A small percent of purchases goes to EMBODY!)

As always, we are not doctors. Consult yours before starting any new supplement routine or diet.